Wednesday, January 26, 2011

We The Sheeple

"We the sheeple of the United Flock,

Wake up people. Stop following Sheeple into the Slaughter.  

Monday, January 24, 2011

Who is "US"

In Genesis chapter 1 verse 26 GOD said:
"26And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth."

Who is us? Who is this other being or beings that God consorted with when he was creating man? "Let Us create man in Our image" he is talking to us. you and me. Yes let us create our selves in our own image. We dont have to go anywhere to talk to GOD. GOD is within "US". God told Us so; when God told Us that we were to create man in Our Image.

Man is a body, a seemingly finite being used to harness our spiritual beings. Man was created for that purpose. There are millions of US out there. don't let the masses...don't let "THEM" tell you that "WE" are not as capable or as powerful as we know we are. God is in US. We created the world and man to suit US. lets take back what was ours from the beginning. the truth and the light belongs to US. Take it back. Open up you mind people.

Life is a dream

If you are allowing yourself to dream a night mare...wake up.

There is so much knowledge in the world and people are so plugged into American Idol and their I-Phone and TV and movies that they are missing the big picture. The economy is failing whether you believe it or not. People walking around with $100 shoes and $400 dollar phone and we are all living on borrowed time and borrowed money. It is only a matter of time before the system caves in on us. I watched a video that changed my mind about the "world" that we live in...the system we live in. and after watching that video I watched the movie 'The Matrix' and it really made so much sense. This isn't fictional any longer. this is not life imitating art...this is art trying to alert you to whats really going on. I'm going to post the first video in this blog. watch it with an open mind. Judge for your self. Open up your minds people.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Let me first say....

Government is a system. It is a means of controlling the mass by a few. Anyone who ever goes on record for going against that system is discredited and often times killed for exposing the truth. I am not Anti US. I am a Patriot. I served my country in the Army. I am for the unity of my country.

I am how ever learning the inconsistencies in the system. Every system has flaw. But it seems these flaws are deliberately used to promoted division. Used to excel the interest of a few while enslaving the mass for the purposes of greed. I cant stand and be idol. In this blog I will seek the truth. You can join me too. Together we will find to truth and and in doing so free our nation. God Bless America.